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5.11 - 'The Lodger'

Quote Unquote:
Sean: "So where are you strongest?"
The Doctor: "Arms!"
Craig: "No, he meant what position on the field."

Gareth Roberts
Director: Catherine Morshead
Producer: Tracie Simpson
Original Air Date: 12th June 2010
Monster/Villain: Spaceship Auto-Pilot
Setting: Aickman Road (2010)

Synopsis: A mysterious force locks the TARDIS - with Amy inside it - trapped in a materialization loop, and it's up to the Doctor to work out what that force is, or Amy could be lost forever. As he investigates, he learns of a house on Aickman road, with a staircase which people walk up but never down. To solve this mystery, the Doctor must pass himself off as a normal human being and share a flat with Craig Owens.

Notable Features:

  • 'The Lodger' was specifically adapted from the Gareth Roberts-written comic strip of the same name in Doctor Who Magazine in 2006, where the Tenth Doctor moves in with Mickey Smith.
  • This episode features the first TARDIS not owned by The Doctor from Series 1 in 2005.
  • The fact that Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor plays football and very well in this episode is entirely coincidental. In the original comic strip David Tennant's Doctor also played football and also very well.

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